Taking the Plunge

by Stacie Lewis


When I chronicled my wedding for the web site weddings.co.uk, I had no idea there were so many women out there experiencing the same thing I was. Like many of them, I thought naively that everyone loves weddings: from the planning stages on, from bridesmaids to mother-of-the-bride. As far as I was concerned, I was the only woman out there who loathed it. The endless shopping trips, obnoxious wedding shop attendants, family feuds, chirpy wedding planners, debates over which shade of blue better matched the bridesmaids' dresses: it all drove me mad. I love my husband, but I hated getting married.Thousands of women must have agreed because they tuned into my story each week. But what kept them coming back?Was it the backstabbing, underhanded, selfish antics that my family stirred up on the road to the big day? Or it could have been my deportation, getting drunk with our rabbi or my mother disowning me? Does it matter? It all made for a good read.I've written a novel based on my experiences, proving the old saying is correct: truth really is stranger than fiction. More importantly I've written a story that has what every bride is looking for -- a happy ending.

Stacie Lewis
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