Getting Even

by Sarah Rayner


How would you feel if your best friend at work betrayed you? Was secretly having an affair with an influential colleague? Did you out of a coveted promotion, then teamed you up with a mere junior, leaving you feeling completely demoted?

What would you do?

For Ivy there's no choice. The only person she has ever trusted, Orianna, has blown it big time. So there's only one way forward.


Ivy's campaign is brilliant, if horribly destructive, and she's determined to get even with the woman has dared to cross her. But is Ivy really the innocent party? Or is she hiding secrets of her own?

Set in the heart of Soho's adland, where emotions run even higher than the salaries, GETTING EVEN is an unputdownable tale of jealousy packed with bonking, bonding and backstabbing.

Sarah Rayner
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